Lord I thank you so much for this day. I thank you for sleep, I thank you for this apartment I get to stay in, I thank you for my education, I thank you for finding a church home and people who care, I thank you for the friends I have made, I thank you for my family, but most of all Lord I thank you that you cared and loved me so much that I am now reconciled to you. Lord I pray that you would help me to glorify you today, through being productive and through my school work, help me to concentrate on my studies. Give me a clear mind and focus and never allow me to forget the reasons I am doing so. First and foremost to learn about you Jesus and be well educated so that I may be better prepared to share your word and gospel with other and to intimately grow my relationship with you. And because of those motivations to give it my all and give it my best and remember that my salvation or favor in your eyes does not change on my performances, but help me to give it my best. Always keep me humble before you. I love you Lord.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
I want to punch something, I want to scream, I want to run, I want to cry, I want to fall, I want to wither in despair. I want to give up, I want drown in sorrow. My anxious thoughts are many, my loneliness is much, my heart has sank to my stomach as I have allowed the things of this world that I put hope into without realizing fall out of my hands and watch them shatter like glass on concrete. I feel like I am losing hope like water in my hands. Its all vain, this world. Its real, I tell myself this, and I hardly ever questioned it but day by day as I allow the thoughts of despair to disable me I have to start preaching to myself the blessings and miracles God has done in my life over and over and over and over and over again. That I have to look at this world and the knowledge given to me by god and know there is a creator…and one that loves me. What is wrong with me O Lord…this is not about me please, I need to see you, feel you, I want your touch like a lovers touch when holding hands for the first time. But you love me more than that. Oh God…dear God I need you.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Lord My Master
Am I going crazy?
I feel my mind going hazy.
How could this be?
This temptation in me
My heart beats faster
My flesh is my master.
Tears want to flow,
These sorrows I sow.
I’m a sinner the same
Heal me of my shame.
My heartache’s,
My spirit shakes,
O God, break me,
O God, make me,
Bring me to the ground,
My sobs the only sound
I feel your ease.
Forgive me please!
Thank you Lord my master,
Without you I am only a disaster.
My Story Is For God's Glory
Often times I have wondered "Why my story?" I do not want the story I have. I have cried out to God before and have even been bitter that I was given the testimony that I had. One of over-exposure, trauma, and consequence. But the fear of God struck me, followed by his mercy, his grace, and then his healing. Your story, my story, they are bring God glory. There is no weak testimony, there is not strong testimony, for everyone all in the same there is God's testimony, of what he has done for us all. For some their great testimony is that God has saved them from experiencing the traumas of life and are able to be used to glorify him, and for others they are so far down in a pit they can't even see the sunlight anymore...and God rescues them, for his glory. None of this about ourselves. Never has been never will be. So in it all, if my story is what has brought me to the Lord and brings him glory I will embrace it and know that even though I remember the wounds they are healed. The wounds are just a reminder to cling ever closer to my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Deliverer, my King, my Father.