Monday, June 10, 2013

Dreaming: Why?

It’s my question right now. Though I want an answer, though I want understanding and I want to know exactly what God wants to do with my life…I have to trust that even though I don’t know what I am doing with my life, He does.

Why is my subconscious going crazy?

In my first dream
I am carrying an item of importance to me…my stuffed lamb. And I always associate my lamb to when I became a Christian…In my dream there are people trying to steal it from me but I resist…but I see so many lost! So many lost! So many lost... and wandering…and wandering. So many hurt and they have no clue how to see the truth that will set them free.

In my second dream
I’m in the airport…I’m with my mom and sister. I hear sirens going off and the airport goes into a lockdown. The gates start closing, planes stop taking off. And all the TVs turn on showing footage of panic and chaos of a nuclear bomb going off, a nuclear war. The airport PA system alerts that nuclear bombs are going off all around the world. I look at my mom and sister and hold them close, but the only thing I can really think of is that I know so many people who are unsaved and say
“I wish I could have done more…I wish I could have done more!”

And I am awake.

This has challenged me. There are many other things that I would rather not share publicly that I am asking “why?” to…but this got me thinking why did I dream these dreams? More than anything I want to love you God and be passionate about YOU and I want that to reflect in the things I do no matter where I am at. I ask YOU to change my heart no matter where I am Lord! I truly want to do what YOUR word says and to be more like YOU and be sanctified set apart. I want to be on fire for you Lord!