Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spread Truth New York City 2014: Spreading the gospel through Vacation Bible School, soccer and basketball camp, and evangelizing the parks and streets of New York City.

How do I start? Well first off I had never been to New York City. It was awesome. The man made structures are beautiful and very neat to look at. But as much as I can say I enjoyed New York City, with its tall skyscrapers, statues, and vastness of how big the city is, seeing the cool things that mankind has created still pales in comparison to what God has already naturally created. I'm in awe when I look at the mountains. I cannot believe the vastness when lying underneath the stars in pitch black, unable to count how many are in the sky. The moment the sun rises above the horizon and I stare silently. The way Niagara Falls and many other waterfalls just make me think of Gods majesty and yet I feel calm and relaxed by their beauty. And I can never get over looking at the ocean and realizing just how small I really am. I have seen all these things in person and I still hear that the Grand Canyon is one of the most beautiful things anyone has ever seen. At this point I can only take their word for it. But my whole point is that God creates amazing and beautiful things! And he even created us! We are made in his image and I believe just like our creator we want to create amazing and beautiful things. But because he is perfect...his is way more majestic than ours ever will be. And sadly I believe we are hindered from being able to create even greater things because we as humanity have been cut off from the one true God by the disobedience of the first created man and women that has been passed down generation to generation. That is why we have wars. That is why we have "innocent people” dying from disasters. We know everyone dies one day...but why? Those are our consequences for disobedience to a perfect God. I'm not saying we can't be good without God, I'm saying that none of us can be perfect. Everyone says it,  "I'm not perfect" and we take it lightly how holy and perfect God is. Honestly he could have started over from the beginning after Adam and Eve disobeyed, but God made a promise to rescue them as well, that the seed of the woman would crush the head of Satan, the evil one, that made Eve question God to begin with.  God wanted to redeem mankind from the beginning and he gave us a choice to choose him or not, so we are not just robots forced to "love" God. I'm so thankful that I have hope beyond the imperfections I see in me and in this world. There is a lot of brokenness and sadness because of our sin. Yet Christ gives us a hope now and for our future. I have hope now because I do believe in Jesus Christ as savior. Gods own son who lived the perfect life we could not live and died on the cross, taking the wrath of God that we deserved. It may seem unfair that God would do such a thing...but we take our sin to lightly when we begin to think like that. Christ saved me! How do I know? Because he conquered death and on the third day he rose from the grave! He saved me, us, not just from the wrath of God, but gives you and I his Holy Spirit when we believe so that we may be able to live and follow Jesus Christ. That I would be apart of a people who have found this same hope as me and is striving towards this same goal to encourage each other and share that fact that there is a savior for the world. I must remember the church is a people, not a building, and if I'm not perfect, I shouldn't expect them to be either. Loving someone despite personality differences is hard, but as Christ has loved us and forgiven us, so should we love and forgive others. And I'm so thankful I will one day not have to struggle against my sinful nature but will COMPLETELY rest in the new heavens and earth that God will create for those that trust in his perfect sacrifice to reunite us with him. 
            I strayed quite a bit from what I did in New York City, but honestly this is the whole reason I went New York, was to share this good news with other people. Not only that, I am reminded this week of these very truths. And I was able to see God work and move in mighty ways. At times I have a hard time believing that God could move the mountains... I asked God to help my unbelief.  I'm was and am tired of trying to do things in my own strength. I needed the spirit of God to do the things I got to see happen this week. The Lord needed to stretch me and I was uncomfortable. I was constantly nervous with butterflies before I would go out and strike up random conversation with a stranger. I needed the spirit to guide me the right people. I had to constantly be on alert and in prayer. I only averaged six hours of sleep a night and was go, go, go all day. For those of you that know me I have a hard time with only six hours, I can become cranky, and I get sick easy, but God brought me to the end of myself.  Overall I got to share the whole gospel with over 20 people and got to pray for a lot more than that! Some of those I approached were believers and unbelievers. I didn’t personally "lead" anyone to Christ but I got to see a couple people desperate to be saved and saw them turn their lives over to Christ. It was beautiful. The biggest thing I want to take home from this trip is that I can be more intentional while I'm at home to share the gospel. It doesn't have to be awkward, I just have to ask The Lord to help me and lead me to gospel conversation. If Christ is truly on my heart and mind that should be easy for me...because I love talking about The Lord. I don't want to be fearful of mankind anymore! I want to trust God! That even when I look like a fool to those that are perishing, I share the hope I have and the love I have in my Lord Jesus Christ. I will also say I was surprised how open people were to talk with us in New York. I had only ever heard people are to busy, hardened, and unwilling to talk. But that is where prayer changes things, because The Spirit was definitely at work. It was also crazy to know that a couple of different groups I got to talk to, one visiting from Belgium and another from France, had either never heard the gospel or their knowledge was VERY limited and God allowed me to share as they were intent to here truth they never heard before. And this was one of the tools that we got to use to help share the gospel (http://viewthestory.com/5378) I have many stories of when I was able to go out and talk to people in the streets and parks but I will just tell you my favorite one.
I was in Manhattan Central Park in NYC (picture to the right). It was a beautiful day. I couldn't have asked for better weather. There were many people in the park that day, but it is New York, I have no idea if there is ever a day that the park was not full of people. This was actually toward the end of our stay in the park that day and we had many good conversations but this one stuck out to me as my partner Jesse and I were praying we approached a man fishing with a young girl in the park and was able to strike up conversation.  First it was just about fishing, then about heritage, family, etc. but I saw the young girl sitting alone and decided to sit down by her side. I asked her name and she was shy at first but she soon became a little chatterbox. She told me her all her favorite things and where she went to school and about all her cousins and the fun things she gets to do with them. I got to know her favorite movies and shows and be able to use that incorporate my favorite movies and stories and share the story of Jesus with her. I had a bracelet with green, blue, red, gold, and clear beads would that would remind her of God’s story for her and for us all. Each bead represented a part of the gospel:
Green: Creation
Blue: Sadness, brokenness, the fall
Red: The blood of Jesus covering our sins 
Gold: God sanctifying and redeeming us 
Clear: That God has made these things clear to us and that we should make a  clear decision for to follow after him. 
            I found out she LOVES to read and when I handed her the Bible I asked if she had a book like this, she shook her head no and I said “it’s yours.” She was so excited when I gave her a Bible that specifically helps give a summary of each book of the Bible with a really neat cover. I told her some of my favorite stories in The Bible, and marked out some easy stories to start with in Genesis, the book of Ruth, and said if she really wanted to get to know Jesus more to read about what his good friend John wrote about him. She told me she couldn't wait to read them and gave me a high five and hug before I left. That moment was very special for me. Kids are so open and I pray this young girl really comes to know this amazing savior I know and that this seed can be watered and grow. I praise God for all the many moments I had but I'm very thankful for this little girl who was so open to hear that day :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spirit Lead Me When My Trust is Without Borders

     This song has been my theme song this past week and all I can do is sing it over and over again. It’s been quite a journey everyone. All I can say is in times like these God only proves to me time and time AND TIME again that He is real, He is good, and He answers prayers! No lie, He really answers prayers. This season of life has had its ups and downs but I can tell you that what has made it so much better is that my JOY is in the Lord! Yes…I have days of doubts, yes I have days of fear, yes I have days of anxiousness, but He has been my strength, my stronghold, my support. When I cry out I know He hears me. He is close, He is near, and I am loved. He loves me as His daughter! Isn’t it amazing to know that God calls us His children! Making us pure and blameless as we walk toward Him. This past week I have seen the church move and act as the church should move and act like in the book of Acts. It makes me so thankful for my church, imago Dei.

        I wanted to let everyone know that the reason I am telling you all these things is because of my friend…you know the one I told you about in my last blog post. Well I think everyone knows this friend of mine, her name is Summer. And she has given me permission to share her story. First off let me give you a glimpse into this journey. After I Summer and I filled out her application for Teen Challenge, at this point it was just a waiting process. For Summer the waiting was really hard as she was still out in the streets tempted by all her surroundings. She wanted to run from temptation and didn’t know how and so instead she felt frustrated and ran to the only thing she knew when her thoughts went dark. She went to the psychiatric hospital. When I heard this I was not happy at first; thinking she was reverting and giving up. But her going ended up working in our favor and being a huge blessing. They agreed with her to help detox her off her medications and would do all the testing needed for her to enter into teen challenge and write the doctor consent form that she would be mentally stable enough to go to teen challenge. I was there every night either physically or a on the phone to talk to her, to listen, to encourage, and help her to remember the hope she has in Christ. She made it through the detox, and she was released from the hospital. God has been definitely been reminding me how little control I have and how much He is the master and His timing is perfect. She was going to be back on the streets and I had such little trust that she would remain clean after being out there for a couple nights. God only proved to me that He was working in her heart in such a way and helping her with the temptations when she got out. I was so upset though looking for help from my church family to get her off the streets until she got to teen challenge. So a friend, neighbor, and fellow church member of mine, was given a bonus check…and I cried and leapt with joy when she told me she was willing and able to help by using it to get her into a hotel for a couple days. Not only that she went above and beyond and wrote such an encouraging note and had a “goodie bag” for my friend when she arrived at the hotel. On top of all that I also had to work that weekend and another couple from my church was willing to pick her up and take her to the hotel. On TOP of THAT another couple from the church came to visit and encourage her while she was there and made her some food. After her stay in the hotel she came to stay with my roommates and I for a couple more nights before I could get her to teen challenge. This was also a process and Monday wasn’t easy…as the slush came and kept us all cooped up inside. I only heard more of Summer’s pains and hurts from her life as she continued to open up to me more and more…and I truly realized only God can heal her, I can’t even begin to imagine or handle the pain she has had to go through. I feel like I tried to feel what she felt and I couldn’t handle it and I broke down and just cried out to God to heal her and help me because I am SOOOOO incapable. I don’t know what its like to not have a mom…or a dad that does not love me or protect me. I don’t know what its like to feel completely abandoned or abused. I don’t know what its like to lose everything. Just when I didn’t know if I could handle it anymore when I talked with teen challenge they said everything was a go for Wednesday. I was so excited! Also I then was able to get in touch with the leaders from my church and they were willing to meet up with Summer to see how serious she was about this commitment to teen challenge, and they helped pay the rest of the application/down payment fee she needed upon arrival. Also I had a Growth Group from my church willing to help me out as I had to work that Tuesday night to have her hang out with them and enjoy company with them until I could come pick her up. So after that night we figured all the last minute details, went to bed, and woke up for our road trip to Elizabeth City. It ended up being about a 3 hour drive but we got there in plenty of time. I met one of the women leaders in teen challenge and as soon as I met her I felt overwhelmed with peace, and joy. As we entered into the home I only felt more joy as it just felt like…well a home. 
       I felt so comforted by the structure and everything they do at teen challenge and knew I was leaving Summer in safe hands. Summers day will kind of look like this:
           Wake up at 6am, devotions, breakfast, group bible study, chapel, lunch, choir/music practice, service or other projects, dinner, free time, and bedtime. This will very from day to day and week to week but most of the time stays the same. They have mentors, counselors, and prayer partners. Their program is a three-phase program where they are first introduced to get used to living situations, get used to the way of life there, and small tasks and assignments to complete. Phase two will help them carry more responsibility as they make grocery list and shopping, chores, and other work projects and other responsibilities. Phase three will re-introduce them to the living world by putting them into a house apartment next door owned by teen challenge once they have a job and they will then pay rent to live in the house/apartment still under supervision of teen challenge but definitely teaching them to budget their money and finances and helping them to become completely independent. From there they can decide to stay in Elizabeth city and continue to work and find their own place or go back to school and “be sent off” into the world.
       I was able to meet some of the other ladies that are in the teen challenge program and they were so loving and excited as they had only expressed how God had used this program to change their lives and some of them now working jobs going back to school and all these good things. I prayed over Summer and said my goodbyes and left knowing she was in good hands. The battle is not over yet though as there are still some loose financial strands that need to be tied up. But most important this needs to be soaked in prayer. Summer was really excited but she too was also very nervous and anxious. She will need lots and lots of prayer and hopefully this will finally be the changing point in her life where she will be a “new creation” and the old will be gone and the new will come.
        Honestly if I could I could probably write all night about all that God has been doing in my life recently…I mean these are just one of the many things blessing that has been going on in my life and though its not been a piece of cake its been joyful because it all has made me rely on the Lord. I’m also so thankful for my family who have also been a major part in making all these things possible and for their financial and prayer support.

Thank you EVERYONE!!!
 (if anyone feels led to help financially let me know, and fill out the form below, has info below)

Pledge Support
Monthly Support List

Address: _______________________________________________________________
Relationship: ______________________________________
Phone: __________________________
Amount pledged: $_______________ (Circle) One Time Monthly
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-Cut off top of form and mail in with check to
Albemarle Teen Challenge
P.O. Box 2894
Elizabeth City, NC 27906
-A total of $600 a month is required to cover the living expenses along with the extra curricular Teen Challenge has.

-Summer is officially entered into teen challenge but still needs $400 for the month of March as quickly as possible and those willing to commit monthly

-All checks can be made payable to Albemarle Teen Challenge, and noted (bottom left of check) with attendants first and last name: Summer Halsey (In the newsletter there is an address you can send the check directly to Teen Challenge)
-All funds will be put into a specific account for Summer, used by the facility to pay for living expenses. She can access her account only with special requested privileges from staff for needed items.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Gimme Shelter"

I have a friend. I will keep her name anonymous for now, but I have known her for a little over a year. I first met her picking her up from a women’s homeless shelter. I was given the opportunity to take her to be apart of my church growth group. It was a bunch of us college age students and she was more than happy to be apart and get to know new people. I enjoyed getting to know her. She had a fun personality, though she seemed nervous, and anxious many of times. I asked her why and she blurted out much of her past, her insecurities, and her sins to me. She has told me it was to tell me the worst of her so that way she would know if I would run away. Instead I could only reflect on the truth that God has taken me from my brokenness and sin and into his loving and gracious arms, and I wanted to display nothing but the grace that God had given to me, and still gives me, to my friend. There had been many up and downs to our friendship, and my heart would be excited when I thought I saw God moving but I’ll be honest…many of times I’ve been disappointed. The scary part is emotionally investing in someone and trying to understand and feel their hurts and pains and sometimes I found it hurt me. In the year that we have known each other I too would pull back from the friendship because I just didn’t know how to help and it hurt knowing there was nothing I could do. Our friendship has had its lulls and I have often times put it in the back burner…first just because life can get crazy busy, and second because so it seemed we were parting ways. Until God, for whatever reason, burdened my heart HEAVY for my friend. I wasn’t sure why. So I prayed through these things. I decided to get lunch with her not to long ago. I assumed things might be the same and just as always I wanted to be her friend, whether she was doing well or doing bad. But she was telling me she knew she wanted something drastic to happen in the new year of 2014. She then told me about a program that perked my ears. It is called teen challenge. It’s a yearlong commitment to help with drugs, alcohol, and spiritual bondage. They use biblical principles to help the women who go there with these things. Unlike most commitments to an organization I felt different about this one as she was describing it. After our lunch I decided to take a look at it for myself. It sounds wonderful…I then saw this movie trailer called “Gimme Shelter.” It was pretty much a representation of the hardships and pain my friend has had to go through in her life and yet…there was hope, hope in God, hope in Christ, hope in community. I went to look at show times and it was only played at one theater in town and a late show time at 10pm. I was determined to take my friend to see this movie. So I told her I wanted to have a special night where I would take her to get some dinner, fill out the application for teen challenge, watch this movie together, and she would spend the night at my home thanks to all my roommates. We filled out the application and I could tell even then it was not going to be the easiest process for my friend, as she had to answer some really hard and real questions from her past and her present. After we filled it out we went to the movie. Mind you I haven’t seen her cry…at least not like this. From beginning to end her face was full of tears and so were mine. We went back to my place after the movie, got to talk and pray together and went to bed. The next day we decided to call the teen challenge center to ask a few questions. The lady who picked up the phone was very kind, and she sounded so happy. She was actually one of the girls still in the program herself. She was telling us all about teen challenge and even though there are definitely some tough things about it, it was worth it. We even got to talk to the pastor and head of teen challenge and he informed us there was an open bed and to get her application over as soon as possible. There is a good chance my friend could get into this program, and there is also a good chance she may not…but whatever happens I must trust God, and leave my friend in Gods hands. Please be praying for this friend of mine and be praying for me as well because I know that as much as I prepare myself for it, I will be sad if she doesn’t get to go. I just…I just see this as the tool God could use to break her physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage and pain and I really do care about her. 

(this is the URL to watch the movie trailer for Gimme Shelter)